Click to Discover the Top 10 Mexican Cities for Quality of Life in 2024: Key Insights for Manufacturing Expansion

Discover the Top 10 Mexican Cities for Quality of Life in 2024
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8716 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154 USA
Certified ISO 9001 Certified Company
Mexico Continues To Be The Top Choice For Nearshore Manufacturing

Mexico Continues To Be The Top Choice For Nearshore Manufacturing

Reflecting continued rising labor and other manufacturing costs for imports from faraway places like China, nearshoring continues to be seen as an opportunity to serve U.S. demand by about half of senior executives of manufacturing-oriented companies.

While 35 percent of that number view manufacturing inside the U.S. as the most attractive choice for such reshoring, up from 21 percent in a similar survey a year ago, 50 percent view last year's top choice, Mexico manufacturing, as the No. 1 choice again this year.

Results from the Manufacturing Re-shoring and Near-shoring Outlook Survey, released by global business advisory firm AlixPartners, also suggest that rising domestic demand in developing countries such as China may encourage even more nearshoring and reshoring in the West in the future as companies in those developing markets redirect their capacity toward local consumption rather than export. More than a third of the executives surveyed — 34 percent — predict that will be the case.

"As manufacturing costs have increased in China and elsewhere in Asia, the cost and time factors involved in shipping goods across vast distances are magnified. Whether it's in Mexico or the U.S., any company that's not at least considering alternative manufacturing sources closer to their home market is certainly missing an opportunity." -Foster Finley, managing director at AlixPartners and co-lead of the firm's Transportation Practice.

As in last year's survey, lower freight costs and improved speed-to-market were the two most-cited advantages expected from the decision to nearshore. Twenty-six percent of respondents also cited lower inventory costs as the biggest expected advantage, up from 20 percent last year.


Ready To Establish Your Manufacturing Operation In Mexico?

Look No Further Than Our Team Of Specialists!

Whether you have questions about the process or are ready to get started, we're here to help.
Contact us today at (855) 480-0837 to learn how we can provide you with expert support every step of the way, from exploration to setup and beyond. With our extensive experience providing Shelter Services in Mexico, we'll ensure the success of your manufacturing operation in Mexico.
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Co-Production International, Inc. Administrative Service Provider San Diego, California
Sales and Consultation Inquiries:
Toll Free: 855.480.0837

ico flag usaUSA Corporate Office
Ph: 619.429.4344
8716 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154

ico flag usaMéxico Corporate Office
Tel.: 664.454.3330
Boulevard Agua Caliente 4558
Int. 701, Colonia Aviación
C.P. 22014, Baja California

ico flag usa Monterrey Nuevo León Office
Av. Benito Juárez 1102 Col. Centro
Piso 4 Torre Sur, Oficina 432
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64000, Mexico

Co-Production International, Inc. Administrative Service Provider San Diego, California

ico flag usaUSA Corporate Office
Ph: 619.429.4344 / 855.480.0837
8716 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154 USA

ico flag usaMéxico Corporate Office
Tel.: 664.454.3330
Boulevard Agua Caliente 4558
Int. 701, Colonia Aviación
C.P. 22014, Baja California

ico flag usaMonterrey Nuevo León Office
Av. Benito Juárez 1102 Col. Centro
Piso 4 Torre Sur, Oficina 432
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64000, Mexico

ISO 9001 Certified Quality Managementbbb logo

ico flag usaUSA Corporate Office
Ph: 619.429.4344 / 855.480.0837
8716 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154 USA

ico flag usaMéxico Corporate Office
Tel.: 664.454.3330
Boulevard Agua Caliente 4558
Int. 701, Colonia Aviación
C.P. 22014, Baja California

ico flag usaMéxico Monterrey Office
Av. Benito Juárez 1102 Col. Centro
Piso 4 Torre Sur, Oficina 432
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64000, Mexico