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San Diego, CA 92154 USA
Certified ISO 9001 Certified Company
Maquiladora and Mexico Manufacturing

Maquiladora and Mexico Manufacturing: Steps Towards a 40-Hour Workweek

In the dynamic world of Mexico manufacturing, a transformative labor reform is taking shape — the reduction of the workweek to 40 hours.

This change is particularly consequential for the maquiladora industry and manufacturers across Mexico. As November 2023 unfolds, we bring you critical updates on this proposed shift and its implications.

What does this labor reform mean for maquiladoras and Mexico manufacturers?

The legislative proposal under review by the Chamber of Deputies intends to revise section A of Article 123 of the Mexican Constitution in relation to the Federal Labor Law. The proposed modifications are significant:

- Cutting down the standard weekly working hours from 48 to 40.

- Ensuring two days of rest after five days of work.

How will the maquiladora sector adapt to the reduced workweek in Mexico?

The path to formalizing this labor reform involves intricate legislative endorsements. It requires affirmative votes from both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, where the proposal may undergo further amendments. Moreover, the endorsement of at least 17 out of 32 Mexican states is essential for its implementation.

What legislative steps are needed for the maquiladora industry to prepare for this transition?

The final verdict on this labor reform is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, 2023. If it passes, the new workweek in Mexico is intended to be operational from January 2024. This timeline gives maquiladoras and other Mexico manufacturers a window to align their operations with the new regulations.

How is the dialogue between the Mexico manufacturing industry and legislators evolving?

The dialogue between the government and the Mexico manufacturing community, including maquiladoras, has been ongoing. Notably, a pivotal discussion took place on November 13, underscoring the collaborative efforts to refine this labor reform.


For maquiladoras and manufacturers throughout Mexico, this reform is not just about reducing hours; it's about enhancing productivity and employee well-being. As we near the decision date, the manufacturing sector looks forward to what could be a historical realignment of work-life balance within the industry.

For more insights and guidance on navigating these changes, Co-Production International remains at your service. Stay connected for further updates on the evolving manufacturing landscape in Mexico.

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Contact us today at (855) 480-0837 to learn how we can provide you with expert support every step of the way, from exploration to setup and beyond. With our extensive experience providing Shelter Services in Mexico, we'll ensure the success of your manufacturing operation in Mexico.
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Co-Production International, Inc. Administrative Service Provider San Diego, California

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San Diego, CA 92154 USA

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Tel.: 664.454.3330
Boulevard Agua Caliente 4558
Int. 701, Colonia Aviación
C.P. 22014, Baja California

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Av. Benito Juárez 1102 Col. Centro
Piso 4 Torre Sur, Oficina 432
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64000, Mexico

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Ph: 619.429.4344 / 855.480.0837
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San Diego, CA 92154 USA

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Boulevard Agua Caliente 4558
Int. 701, Colonia Aviación
C.P. 22014, Baja California

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Av. Benito Juárez 1102 Col. Centro
Piso 4 Torre Sur, Oficina 432
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64000, Mexico