Click to Discover the Top 10 Mexican Cities for Quality of Life in 2024: Key Insights for Manufacturing Expansion

Discover the Top 10 Mexican Cities for Quality of Life in 2024
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8716 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154 USA
Certified ISO 9001 Certified Company
Baja California Will Benefit More From Nearshoring: Canacintra Tijuana

Baja California Will Benefit More from Nearshoring: Canacintra Tijuana

Currently, companies from all over the world are moving production and equipment to Mexico in their search for a manufacturing center closer to the United States and Canada

, so Baja California is shaping up to be one of the entities that will benefit the most from this modality.

Román Caso Espinosa, CEO of Shelter Co-Production International and member of Canacintra Tijuana´s supply commission, made a comment on this. He explained that this phenomenon is known as "nearshoring," which has to do with moving production, supply, and logistics processes as close to the primary consumer markets as possible.

The benefits for global businesses, according to him, include cost savings, improved controls that will result in higher-quality products, a reduction in time zone and cultural differences, and more control over the decision-making process.

The present Free Trade Agreement between Mexico, the United States, and Canada, the cheap labor costs in the nation, as well as quick and safe supply chains, are some of the characteristics that favor Mexico and particularly Baja California to benefit from nearshoring, he said.

Despite the consequences of the pandemic, Mexico has developed into a significant international investment hub for businesses looking to have an impact on the market with their products, according to Caso Espinosa.

In this respect, he declared that it has become more obvious that "nearshoring" can be an additional strategy for accelerating economic growth in Mexico, and that is why the Ministry of Economy's officials have made it a top priority to create the conditions necessary for multinational corporations to relocate there.

In conclusion, Baja California is ideally situated to gain a lot from nearshoring because of its advantageous business environment, strategic location, and competent workforce. This state is an appealing choice for anyone looking to take advantage of Mexico's proximity to the United States as more businesses try to relocate their operations closer to home.

Baja California is positioned to grow as a center for nearshoring in the coming years thanks to its strong industrial base and accessibility to numerous markets. By capitalizing on its advantages and making ongoing investments in its people and infrastructure, the area can maximize the advantages of nearshoring and open up fresh possibilities for its development.

Shelter companies like Co-Production International can be a valuable resource for manufacturers looking to expand operations, offering quick ramps, scalability, and minimal risk to the business owner. CPI has over 44 years of U.S. and Mexican manufacturing expertise, bringing a robust network of strategic partners and dedicated teams to help you get up and running. Human resources, recruitment, hiring, and compliance with labor laws fall under CPI’s Shelter IMMEX Program, which allows manufacturers to focus 100% on manufacturing while CPI handles the rest.

Let’s talk! Contact Us!

Phone: (855) 480 0837

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Ready To Establish Your Manufacturing Operation In Mexico?

Look No Further Than Our Team Of Specialists!

Whether you have questions about the process or are ready to get started, we're here to help.
Contact us today at (855) 480-0837 to learn how we can provide you with expert support every step of the way, from exploration to setup and beyond. With our extensive experience providing Shelter Services in Mexico, we'll ensure the success of your manufacturing operation in Mexico.
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8716 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154

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Tel.: 664.454.3330
Boulevard Agua Caliente 4558
Int. 701, Colonia Aviación
C.P. 22014, Baja California

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Av. Benito Juárez 1102 Col. Centro
Piso 4 Torre Sur, Oficina 432
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64000, Mexico

Co-Production International, Inc. Administrative Service Provider San Diego, California

ico flag usaUSA Corporate Office
Ph: 619.429.4344 / 855.480.0837
8716 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154 USA

ico flag usaMéxico Corporate Office
Tel.: 664.454.3330
Boulevard Agua Caliente 4558
Int. 701, Colonia Aviación
C.P. 22014, Baja California

ico flag usaMonterrey Nuevo León Office
Av. Benito Juárez 1102 Col. Centro
Piso 4 Torre Sur, Oficina 432
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64000, Mexico

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ico flag usaUSA Corporate Office
Ph: 619.429.4344 / 855.480.0837
8716 Sherwood Terrace
San Diego, CA 92154 USA

ico flag usaMéxico Corporate Office
Tel.: 664.454.3330
Boulevard Agua Caliente 4558
Int. 701, Colonia Aviación
C.P. 22014, Baja California

ico flag usaMéxico Monterrey Office
Av. Benito Juárez 1102 Col. Centro
Piso 4 Torre Sur, Oficina 432
Monterrey, Nuevo León 64000, Mexico